We specialize in the treatment of Opiate Use Disorders
Change begins with a call.
Contact us today
Boise: 208-433-0400
Nampa: 208-442-0096
Pocatello: 208-904-2654
Change begins with a call.
Contact us today
Boise: 208-433-0400
Nampa: 208-442-0096
Pocatello: 208-904-2654
Take the first step...
Deciding to get help is the biggest and most important life decision you can make. Our team at Raise the Bottom Addiction Treatment is here for you every step of the way.
After you reach out with a phone call, email or meet us in person, we'll help you navigate the next steps, answering questions and remaining at your side the entire time.
The Medical, Clinical and Administrative teams at Raise the Bottom Addiction Treatment are dedicated to providing the best and most effective treatment for people struggling with an Opiate addiction. The primary focus of our team is to provide a holistic approach, assisting each person we serve to improve their lives, encouraging them to achieve their goals and motivating them to be the best version of themselves that they can be. Our multidisciplinary team includes the following:
- Customer Support Specialists
- Intake Specialists
- Licensed Practical Nurses
- Registered Nurses
- Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners
- Physician
- Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors
- Licensed Social Workers
- Licensed Master Social Workers
- Licensed Clinical Social Workers
While you'll travel a unique path to recovery, there are some steps that every person enrolled at Raise the Bottom Addiction Treatment should expect.
The first 30 days...
Day of Admission
- Complete intake screening to ensure eligibility for admission
- Complete and sign all intake paperwork and consent forms
- Complete intake urinalysis
- Complete EKG
- Complete TB
- Complete intake lab / blood work
- Complete intake History and Physical with Nurse Practitioner or Physician
Within 14 days:
- Attend initial counseling session to complete a comprehensive assessment
1-30 days:
- Begin an individualized treatment plan with your counselor establishing short-term and long-term goals
- Work towards achieving a stable dose by attending / dosing daily and communicating any withdrawal symptoms and/or cravings to Medical and Clinical staff members
- Keep medical and clinical staff up to date regarding your feelings, withdrawal symptoms, cravings, etc.
Ready to find out more?
Reach out today. We're here to answer any questions you may have.
Raise the Bottom strives to decrease the shame and stigma associated with Substance Use Disorders and specifically, Opioid Use Disorders. With that said, we recognize that certain words drive search engines and assist people in finding necessary resources and treatment options. To assist our patients, potential patients, providers and other stakeholders, we are listing additional search terms that may assist in "search" efforts. RTB continuously works to use pro-social and non-stigmatizing words and terms and as such, most of these words are not used in the body of our pages to describe our program or the services we provide. Search Terms: Methadone Clinic, Suboxone Clinic, Methadone Treatment Program, Suboxone Treatment Program, Vivitrol Program, Withdrawal Treatment, Substance Abuse, Addict, Addiction Therapist, Addiction Therapy, Drug Rehab, Out-patient Drug Rehab, Substance Abuse Counselors.
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